Experior Diagnostics

Experior Diagnostics Limited (EDL) is a company incorporated in Nigeria,
primarily, for purposes of providing EXPertise and supERIOR services in
the medical laboratory subsector.

A Company with
a huge growth capacity

In terms of scope and scale, the intent is to grow organically and in a scalable manner in the provision of full diagnostic services to all participants in the medical industry – patients/individuals, practitioners, medical schools, medical students, medical research entities, hospitals etc.

Our Vision Statement

To become the preferred provider of accurate, reliable and timely repertoire of diagnostic tests for individuals, clinicians and researchers in the delivery of high quality patient care.

Our Mission Statement

To support the medical care community with fully functional, affordable and professionally run diagnostic center with modern equipment.

Meet with the team

EDL’s Board of Trustees is entrusted with the responsibility of providing policy and governance oversight to ensure EDL remains focused on its core values of maintaining rigorously high standards of quality & timely service, expanding its range of diagnostics services and making the incremental investments in modern medical infrastructure/equipment to support same. Its membership, which is non-remunerated, is restricted to persons of impeccable character and of distinguished career, also serves as fiduciaries to protect the integrity, governance structure and other non-tangible assets of the firm.

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